UCC therapists focus on changing automatic negative thoughts or catastrophic thinking and negatively vaticinate that contributes to and worsens emotional difficulties, depression, anxiety, and a multitude of addictions.

Elizabeth Ikpong

Elizabeth Ikpong


Elizabeth Ikpong obtained her BSW and MSW degrees from the University of Windsor in 2006 and 2011 respectively.

Elizabeth believes that the strength perspective is not only a fundamental part of Social work practice, but also one of the building blocks in the interaction between the client and the therapist. This is consistent with the Ubuntu Philosophy, (‘I am, because we are.’) and it will continue to form the bedrock of her practice at Ubuntu Counseling Centre.

Hassan Awed

Hassan Awed


Registered with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (OCSWSSW), and member of the Ontario College of Social Workers (OASW).

Hassan has over 20 years’ experience, primarily in Child Welfare. Over the years, Hassan has developed expertise in understanding and meeting the needs of individuals and families with highly complex issues. Hassan is a graduate of the University of Windsor, earning a Master’s Degree in Social Work in 2010. 

He has been an active private practitioner in the Windsor-Essex community, focusing on, but not limited to, trauma, mental health, relationships, grief and work-related stress issues.

Way of Being:
A calm demeanor! Hassan brings a sense of calm to his clients by providing them with a safe environment, patience, encouragement, and positive regard.

Way of Understanding:
Hassan believes that everyone has the ability to change by acquiring self-awareness and utilizing healthy coping skills!

Way of Intervening:
Hassan uses an eclectic approach to meet clients where they are using different techniques to promote client growth.

Lillian Lodik


Lillian Lodik is a registered social worker and a graduate with MSW from the University of Windsor in 2012. She has extensive skills in crisis intervention – particularly in assessing the unique needs of newcomers in Windsor-Essex region.

Lillian has a wide range of experiences as a therapist with expertise in harm reduction, chemically misuse, trauma informed care, LGBTQ awareness and support service, mental health: depression, anxiety, border line, bipolar and Life Skills training to name a few.

Hassan Adan

Hassan Adan


Mr. Adan has many years of operations management experience in a variety of environments locally and internationally. As the President of the Board, Hassan’s goal is to create an efficient and welcoming environment for UCC staff and clients.

Hassan has a BA with Honours in Sociology and earned a Master’s Degree in Education with a focus on curriculum development. His research interest include issues of marginalization and equity.

Hassan has presented his research findings on racial and cultural influences at a number of high-profile conferences in the United States and Canada, including the American Educational Research Association conference in Washington, D. C. And the Canadian Society for the Study of Education in Calgary Alberta.

Jude Okoh

CAC; MSW; BA (Hons); MBA; MSc; BSc; RSW

Mental Health And Addictions Clinician, Social Worker, Family And Disability Counselor. After taking advantage of the privilege of University education in five different universities located in three different Continents as well as the ability to communicate in six different languages, I have finally and rightly settled down to help people, regardless of their ethnicity, religion or level of education in my capacity as a Registered Social Worker (RSW) in dealing with their individual and collective psychosocial problems.

For the purpose of our collective forward and upward movement as a cohesive group, I am utilizing my broad experiences garnered from extensive academic pursuits, work experiences, immigration experiences as well as experiences from being a person with a disability, to intervene in clients’ presenting problems.

As a racialized citizen and a Registered Social Worker (RSW) specializing in Addictions and Mental Health issues, Family (Relationship)and Disability issues, my services cover individuals with challenges in the fore going areas as well as clients going through Loss, Grief, Bereavement and Trauma. I intervene in clients’ presenting problems in a client-centered manner, with a view to reversing and restoring them back to a New Life.

After a good work experience as a Mental Health and Addiction Clinician with the government of British Columbia, I am excited to be here in Ontario helping people get their lives back: and start a New Life.

Finally, at clients’ request, Christian Counseling is available from me, especially in my capacity as a born-again Pentecostal preacher for more than thirty years.
In all, I have well over eight years of fruitful and result orient practice.

Holly Stack-Cutler

I have a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Alberta, as well as certificates in Program Evaluation, Non-Profit Management, and Knowledge Mobilization. I have over 5 years of experience working as a Quality Assurance Specialist and 19 years of experience as a community-based researcher and evaluator.

I am passionate about implementing quality programs, evaluating programs, writing grants, cultivating respectful and collaborative stakeholder relationships, and ensuring that all people can access mental health services to meet their needs.

Our Approach to Therapy

UCC therapists use a combination of the very best treatment practices.

We work with each client to determine the combination of treatment approaches that will fit best for them. Our treatment approaches include:

  • Insight-Oriented Psychotherapy
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  • Family Systems Therapy
  • Eclectic Psychotherapy
  • Humanistic Psychotherapy
  • Emotionally Focused Therapy
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Parent-Management Training
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Trauma Reduction Therapy
  • Group Psychotherapy and psychoeducation

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We also teach clients helpful skills such as:

  • Conflict Resolution Skills
  • Assertiveness Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Coping Skills
  • Work and Family Balance  Skills
  • How to Deal with Difficult People
  • Stress Management Skills